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(The /content/descriptiveUnit/{id} service)
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== APE API ==
The [http://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ Archives Portal Europe] helps people to search for and retrieve archival descriptions harvested from archival institutons throughout Europe. These services are available as an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface Application Programming Interface (API)] as well. Request and response parameters are provided and delivered in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON JSON]. This enables every programmer to create an (online) user interface for searching in and retrieving of archival descriptions.
The [http://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ Archives Portal Europe] helps people to search for and retrieve archival descriptions harvested from archival institutons throughout Europe. These services are available as an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface Application Programming Interface (API)] as well. Request and response parameters are provided and delivered in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON JSON]. This enables every programmer to create an (online) user interface for searching in and retrieving of archival descriptions.
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* have a notion about the way data is copied ('harvested') in EAD-format from Collection Management Systems at archival institutions
* have a notion about the way data is copied ('harvested') in EAD-format from Collection Management Systems at archival institutions
= The services =
In the current version (v1.0), various services are available. The endpoint of the API is [https://api.archivesportaleurope.net/services https://api.archivesportaleurope.net/services]
=== The services ===
Via [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/search/search https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/search/search] you can access the ApeApi Explorer were you can try the services and see the responses.
In the current version there are three services:
* POST request: <code>/search/ead</code>
* GET request: <code>/content/{id}</code>
* GET request: <code>/content/descriptiveUnit/{id}</code>
The current endpoint of the API is [https://api.archivesportaleurope.net/services https://api.archivesportaleurope.net/services]
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width: 250px;" | Description
! style="width: 250px;" | EAD
! style="width: 250px;" | EAC-CPF
| style="vertical-align: top" | search (POST)
| style="vertical-align: top" | Services for searching with a term in the content and filtering on facets
| style="vertical-align: top" |
* [[searchEad | /search/ead]]
<!-- * /search/ead/docList -->
<!-- * /search/ead/descendants -->
<!-- * /search/ead/children -->
| style="vertical-align: top" |
* [[searchEac | /search/eac-cpf]]
| style="vertical-align: top" | content (GET)
| style="vertical-align: top" | Services for getting detailed information about a particular result
| style="vertical-align: top" |
* [[contentEadArchdesc | /content/ead/archdesc/{id}]]
<!-- * /content/ead/archdesc/{id}/children -->
* [[contentEadClevel | /content/ead/clevel/{id}]]
<!-- * /content/ead/clevel/{id}/children -->
<!-- * /content/ead/clevel/{id}/parent -->
| style="vertical-align: top" |
* [[contentEac-cpf | /content/eac-cpf/{id} ]]
| style="vertical-align: top" | download (GET)
| style="vertical-align: top" | Services for downloading XML-files
| style="vertical-align: top" |
* [[downloadEad | /download/ead/{id}]]
| style="vertical-align: top" |
* [[downloadEac-cpf | /download/eac-cpf/{id}]]
Via this URL you can access the ApeApi Explorer were you can try the services and see the responses: [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/search/search https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/search/search].
{| class="wikitable"
| style="vertical-align: top" | institute (POST / GET)
| style="vertical-align: top" | Services for getting full lists
* [[getInstitutes | /institute/getInstitutes/{startIndex}/{count}]]
* [[getDocs | /institute/getDocs]]
=== Future work ===
= Future work =
In the current version search and retrieve of archival descriptions are provided. We plan to expand this functionality with searching and retrieving of:
In the current version search and retrieve of archival descriptions are provided. We plan to expand this functionality with:
* descriptions of records creators
* more options for detailed view of a finding aid
* information on archival institutions
* searching and retrieving of person names in the archival records
* person names in the archival records
= API Key =
=== API Key ===
In order for Archives Portal Europe to monitor the use of the API, you need to request an API-key to be able to use the API. The API-key can be requested via the option [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/information-api API] on the homepage of the portal, or directly via this url: [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/get-api-key https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/get-api-key].
In order for Archives Portal Europe to monitor the use of the API, you need to request an API-key to be able to use the API. The API-key can be requested via the option [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/information-api API] on the homepage of the portal, or directly via this url: [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/get-api-key https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/get-api-key].
''Note: you need to be a registered user of the Archives Portal Europe to be able to get an API key, so if you don't have an account for the Archives Portal Europe's My Pages functionality yet, please create one first. You can read more on the My Pages functionality over [[Using_My_Pages|here]].''  
''Note: you need to be a registered user of the Archives Portal Europe to be able to get an API key, so if you don't have an account for the Archives Portal Europe's My Pages functionality yet, please create one first. You can read more on the My Pages functionality over [http://wiki.archivesportaleurope.net/index.php/Using_My_Pages here].''  
Using the API you need to add a parameter "APIkey" to the header of your request
Using the API you need to add a parameter "APIkey" to the header of your request
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= Versioning =
=== Versioning ===
Depending on the version of the API that you want to use, the accept parameter in the header must be set to a specific Content Type. For version 1.0 this is: application/vnd.ape-v1+json
Depending on the version of the API that you want to use, the accept parameter in the header must be set to a specific Content Type. For version 1.0 this is: application/vnd.ape-v1+json
Line 46: Line 80:
  'accept' : 'application/vnd.ape-v1+json'
  'accept' : 'application/vnd.ape-v1+json'
== The <code>/search/ead</code> service ==
Request url: [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/search/search https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/search/search].
This service is a POST-request.
=== Request parameters ===
Three request parameters can be used to do a search in archival descriptions.
  "query": "nepal",
  "count": 5,
  "startIndex": 0
==== query ====
Containing the searchterm(s). Required.
==== count ====
The resultlist is delivered in chunks of a certain size. Request parameter "count" describes the number of results that are in one chunk. Optional. Default value is 5.
==== startIndex ====
Request parameter "startIndex" enables you to select the results that you want to have. Counting starts at zero. If "count" = 5, the second chunk starts with startIndex 5, the following at startIndex 10, etc. Optional. Default value is 0.
=== Response parameters ===
The response contains a list of the descriptions where the requested search-term(s) was/were found.
  "totalResults": 1,
  "start": 0,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "eadSearchResults": [
      "id": "C4134966",
      "unitId": "2.05.313 - 2.77",
      "unitTitle": "Nepal",
      "unitTitleWithHighlighting": "<em>Nepal</em>",
      "scopeContent": "",
      "scopeContentWithHighlighting": "",
      "fondsUnitTitle": "Inventaris van het code-archief van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 1965-1974",
      "fondsUnitId": "2.05.313",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "docType": "Descriptive Unit"
==== totalResults ====
The response parameter "totalResults" gives the number of results.
==== start ====
The response parameter "start" gives the number of the chunk you requested.
==== totalPages ====
The response parameter "totalPages" gives the number of chunks.
==== eadSearchResults ====
Enumeration of the results. A result could be a holdings guide, a source guide, a finding aid, or a descriptive unit (ie. a sublevel component).
{| class="wikitable"
| id
| Internal APE identifier of the result
| unitId
| Identifier of the result provided by the repository
| unitTitle
| Description of the result
| unitTitleWithHighlighting
| Description of the result, with the mark "<nowiki><em></nowiki>" to emphasize the search term that was used in the search request.
| unitDate
| Date of creation of the result.
| scopeContent
| More descriptive information about the result.
| scopeContentWithHighlighting
| More descriptive information about the result, with the mark "<nowiki><em></nowiki>" to emphasize the search term that was used in the search request.
| hasDigitalObject
| langMaterial
| Language in which the result is created.
| language
| Language of the description of the result.
| docType
| Type of the description of the result: "Descriptive Unit", "Finding Aid", "Holdings Guide" or "Source Guide"
| fondsUnitId
| Identifier of the fonds provided by the repository.
| fondsUnitTitle
| Title of the finding aid.
| repository
| Name of the repository holding the fonds
| repositoryCode
| Code of the repository holding the fonds. Preferably, but not necessarily [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Identifier_for_Libraries_and_Related_Organizations ISIL].
| country
| Name of the country where the repository is. In English.
== The <code>/content/{id}</code> service ==
Request url: [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/content/getContent https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/content/getContent].
This service is a GET-request.
=== Request parameters ===
==== id ====
Internal APE identifier of a Finding Aid (id is starting with "F"), a Holdings Guide (id's  starting with "H"), a Source Guide (id is starting with "S"). Descriptive Units result in other information, so a separate request is developed, called <code>/content/descriptiveUnit</code>. In this service, if the identifier does not start with a "F", "H" or "S" you will get an error message. This parameter is required.
=== Response parameters ===
  "id": "F883",
  "unitId": "3066",
  "unitTitle": "Partij van de Arbeid (P.v.d.A.), Statenfractie PvdA Gelderland",
  "repositoryId": 363,
  "repository": "Gelders Archief",
  "content": {
  --- skip ---
==== id ====
Internal APE identifier of the Finding Aid, Holdings Guide or Source Guide. The same as your request parameter "id".
==== unitId ====
Original identifier of the information provided by the repository.
==== unitTitle ====
Title of the information provided by the repository.
==== repositoryId ====
Internal APE identifier of the repository.
==== repository ====
Name of the repository.
==== content ====
Information in EAD-format, serialized as JSON. This part could potentially contain all the elements that can be part of an EAD/XML-document.
== The <code>/content/descriptiveUnit/{id}</code> service ==
Request url: [https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/content/getClevelContent https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/content/getClevelContent].
This service is a GET-request.
=== Request parameters ===
==== id ====
Internal APE identifier of a Descriptive Unit (id is starting with "C"). In this service, if the identifier does not start with a "C", you will get an error message. This parameter is required.
=== Response parameters ===
  "id": "C4134966",
  "unitId": "2.05.313 - 2.77",
  "unitTitle": "Nepal",
  "repositoryId": 361,
  "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
  "content": {
  --- skip ---
==== id ====
Internal APE identifier of the Descriptive Unit. The same as your request parameter "id".
==== unitId ====
Original identifier of the information provided by the repository.
==== unitTitle ====
Title of the information provided by the repository.
==== repositoryId ====
Internal APE identifier of the repository.
==== repository ====
Name of the repository.
==== content ====
Information in EAD-format, serialized as JSON. This part could potentially contain all the elements that can be part of a Component-element (<c>) of an EAD/XML-document.

Revision as of 13:03, 11 August 2016

The Archives Portal Europe helps people to search for and retrieve archival descriptions harvested from archival institutons throughout Europe. These services are available as an Application Programming Interface (API) as well. Request and response parameters are provided and delivered in JSON. This enables every programmer to create an (online) user interface for searching in and retrieving of archival descriptions.

We expect readers of this documentation to:

  • know how to develop with a RESTful API and JSON
  • understand the hierarchical data structures in archival descriptions
  • have a notion about the XML-data standard Encoded Archival Description (EAD) 2002
  • have a notion about the way data is copied ('harvested') in EAD-format from Collection Management Systems at archival institutions

The services

In the current version (v1.0), various services are available. The endpoint of the API is https://api.archivesportaleurope.net/services

Via https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ApeApi/#!/search/search you can access the ApeApi Explorer were you can try the services and see the responses.

Description EAD EAC-CPF
search (POST) Services for searching with a term in the content and filtering on facets
content (GET) Services for getting detailed information about a particular result
download (GET) Services for downloading XML-files
institute (POST / GET) Services for getting full lists

Future work

In the current version search and retrieve of archival descriptions are provided. We plan to expand this functionality with:

  • more options for detailed view of a finding aid
  • searching and retrieving of person names in the archival records


In order for Archives Portal Europe to monitor the use of the API, you need to request an API-key to be able to use the API. The API-key can be requested via the option API on the homepage of the portal, or directly via this url: https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/get-api-key.

Note: you need to be a registered user of the Archives Portal Europe to be able to get an API key, so if you don't have an account for the Archives Portal Europe's My Pages functionality yet, please create one first. You can read more on the My Pages functionality over here.

Using the API you need to add a parameter "APIkey" to the header of your request


 	'APIkey' : 'put_your_personal_API-key_here'


Depending on the version of the API that you want to use, the accept parameter in the header must be set to a specific Content Type. For version 1.0 this is: application/vnd.ape-v1+json


 	'accept' : 'application/vnd.ape-v1+json'