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Request url: This service is a POST-request.

This institute-service delivers a list of (archival) institutions that provide their data as Open Data via the API. Remember that this list only contains (archival) institutions that have enabled Open Data in the Archives Portal Europe's Dashboard.

Request parameters

Two request parameters can be used to get a list of (archival) institutions that have enabled the API services for their datasets in the Archives Portal Europe's Dashboard.

Empty Request example

  "count": "5",
  "startIndex": 0


The resultlist is delivered in chunks of a certain size. Request parameter "count" describes the number of results that are in one chunk. Required.


Request parameter "startIndex" enables you to select the results that you want to have. Counting starts at zero. If "count" = 5, the second chunk starts with startIndex 5, the following at startIndex 10, etc. Required.

Response parameters

The response contains basic information on the (archival) institutions that have enabled the API services for their datasets in the Archives Portal Europe's Dashboard.

Empty Response example

  "totalResults": 0,
  "institutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "id": 0,
      "country": "string",
      "countryId": 0,
      "totalDocs": 0,
      "repositoryCode": "string"

Basic Response example

For count = 5:

  "totalResults": 76,
  "institutes": [
      "name": "Štátny archív v Bratislave",
      "id": 2001,
      "country": "SLOVAKIA",
      "countryId": 32,
      "totalDocs": 2,
      "repositoryCode": "SK-00000002001"
      "name": "Gemeente Leek",
      "id": 2742,
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "countryId": 7,
      "totalDocs": 21,
      "repositoryCode": "NL-LekGL"
      "name": "Gemeente Marum",
      "id": 2744,
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "countryId": 7,
      "totalDocs": 15,
      "repositoryCode": "NL-MamGM"
      "name": "Gemeente Stadskanaal",
      "id": 2749,
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "countryId": 7,
      "totalDocs": 19,
      "repositoryCode": "NL-SknGS"
      "name": "Provincie Groningen",
      "id": 2755,
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "countryId": 7,
      "totalDocs": 0,
      "repositoryCode": "NL-GnPG"


The response parameter "totalResults" gives the number of results.


Enumeration of the results.

name Name of the (archival) institution
id Internal APE identifier of the result, ie the internal APE identifier of the (archival) institution
country Name of the country where the repository is, in English
countryId Internal APE identifier of the country
totalDocs Total amount of documents of the (archival) institution available via the API services
repositoryCode Code of the repository holding the fonds; preferably, but not necessarily ISIL