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(Annex 3: Remarks on)
(Annex 3: Remarks on)
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Please note that white spaces as well as these characters cannot be part of the <eadid/> value: * : / \ [ ] + % @ $ # ^ & ( ) ! ~.
Please note that white spaces as well as these characters cannot be part of the <eadid/> value: * : / \ [ ] + % @ $ # ^ & ( ) ! ~.
== Annex 4: Remarks on external links ==
The elements <dao/>, <extref/> and <extptr/> should contain the attribute @xlink:href. This attribute must be well formatted and contain the full url, beginning with http://, https:// or ftp:// in order to provide a valid link to the original data on your website.
You can place external links for different purposes:
* to link back to your FA: this can be done at any level of description
* to link back to your digitized documents and display a thumbnail in the portal. In this case, the dao element should be, in the case of an image (could be also SOUND, TEXT, VIDEO, 3D, UNSPECIFIED):
<dao xlink:href="http://……" xlink:title="thumbnail"/>
<dao xlink:href="http://……" xlink:role="IMAGE" xlink:title="{Any title you want to give to your image, optional but recommended for accessibility reason}"/>

Revision as of 11:04, 3 August 2018

Annex 1: Validation errors, meaning and possible fixes

Text found in the validation tab Meaning Possible way to fix
You are using the forbidden value 'XX' in the attribute 'YY' of the element 'ZZ'. You are using a wrong attribute value. For example, you might be using a "c" element with attribute "level" with a value "wrongValue", which is not allowed. The value of the attribute must be correct, so try to: fix this in the original file if possible; modify the conversion stylesheet used for your purposes or create your own stylesheet.
The element 'XX' is missing at least one of the following sub-elements: 'YY'. Some elements must contain mandatory elements. This message means you are not using all the mandatory elements needed. So here, element 'XX' does not contain the mandatory element 'YY'. Fix this in the original file (this element must be already missing in there) or - in case a stylesheet does not do its job correctly and deletes elements - fix the stylesheet.
The element 'XX' has been found but should not appear here, only one (or more) of the following element(s) are accepted here: 'YY'. An element appears where it should not. For example, you can have an XML containing: [...]/scopecontent>[...]This is not allowed because should appear before . Fix this in the original file so the order of the elements is correct or - in case a stylesheet passes elements earlier in the chain and should wait for its turn - fix the stylesheet.
The element 'XX' has been found but should not appear here, no child element is allowed here. An element which cannot contain sub-elements does contain one. For example, element "persname" contains a sub-element "unitdate". Fix this in the original file, or add a rule in the stylesheet to ignore the sub element and only copy the data of that element, or add a rule in the stylesheet to copy the element or its data to another wrapper element, where it would also be fitting and allowed.
The declaration of 'XX' was not found, your file might not contain the schema declaration corresponding (xmlns). The element 'XX' was not found at the root of the document, which means the file you are trying to validate is not using the schema. You can try to first convert your file, then validate it; maybe your XML file does not contain the mandatory schema namespace; maybe you try to validate an EAD file with another schema (EAG 2012 for example).
You are using the value 'XX' in an attribute that can only contain one of those values: 'YY'. An attribute contains a wrong value. Only a value from a list can appear here and you are using a forbidden value not existing in that list. Fix this in the original file or add a rule in the stylesheet to transform that special value into a not forbidden value.
Missing content for title information (unittitle): {0} The element unittitle is empty. Note that this can be "normal", depending on your FA and the way it is structured and displayed in your system, but the result will be the display of "No title specified" in the hierarchy Fix this in the original file
Missing normalised date information (unitdate@normal): {0} The element date is not normalised and contains only text ; the consequence is that the file is not searchable by date. Note that this can be "normal", depending on your FA and the way it is structured. Fix this in the original file or add rules in the option "list of date conversion".
Missing information on digital object type (dao@xlink:role): {0} The type of dao will not be analysed (thumbnail or full image)
Wrong information on digital object link (dao@xlink:href):{0} The link to the original document will not work because it does not begin with http:// or ftp:// Fix this in the original file or add a rule when exporting your file to include the full url or uri

Annex 2: Conversion of dates - normalisation rules

Value read in the original file Value transformed in the apeEAD file
01.01.1985 1985-01-01
1.1.1985 1985-01-01
1985.01.01 1985-01-01
01.01.1985/02.01.1985 1985-01-01/1985-01-02
1.1.1985 - 2.1.1985 1985-01-01/1985-01-02
1985.01.01/1985.01.02 1985-01-01/1985-01-02
01011985 1985-01-01
01011985/02011985 1985-01-01/1985-01-02
19850101 1985-01-01
19850101/19850102 1985-01-01/1985-01-02
1985—1986 1985/1986
1985 – 1986 1985/1986
1985 - 1987, 1990 1985/1990
1985, 1987 - 1990 1985/1990
03.07.1985 bis (to, à, etc.) 06.07.1985 1985-07-03/1985-07-06
3.7.1985 bis (to, à, etc.) 6.7.1985 1985-07-03/1985-07-06
1985 bis (to, à, etc.) 1988 1985/1988
avant 1985 0000/1985
après 1985 1985/2999
around 1985 1985
15th century/siecle/Jhd/... 1400/1500
century timespan (15th to 17th century) 1400/1700
(1985) 1987 – 1990 1985/1990
1985 - 1987 (1990) 1985/1990

Annex 3: Remarks on <eadid/>

The <eadid/> element is mandatory to manage files within the Archives Portal Europe. Therefore, the tool performs a check on whether it contains a value during the conversion or the validation of each file.

If there is no <eadid/> element or an existing <eadid/> element contains no value, the tool will ask you to provide one manually via a pop-up window. The tool proposes by default the identifier found in the element "/ead/archdesc/did/unitid", if it exists, but any other <eadid/> can be provided.

Please note that white spaces as well as these characters cannot be part of the <eadid/> value: * : / \ [ ] + % @ $ # ^ & ( ) ! ~.

Annex 4: Remarks on external links

The elements <dao/>, <extref/> and <extptr/> should contain the attribute @xlink:href. This attribute must be well formatted and contain the full url, beginning with http://, https:// or ftp:// in order to provide a valid link to the original data on your website.

You can place external links for different purposes:

  • to link back to your FA: this can be done at any level of description
  • to link back to your digitized documents and display a thumbnail in the portal. In this case, the dao element should be, in the case of an image (could be also SOUND, TEXT, VIDEO, 3D, UNSPECIFIED):

<dao xlink:href="http://……" xlink:title="thumbnail"/> <dao xlink:href="http://……" xlink:role="IMAGE" xlink:title="{Any title you want to give to your image, optional but recommended for accessibility reason}"/>