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Request url: https://api.archivesportaleurope.net/services//hierarchy/ead/{id}/children. This service is a POST-request.

This hierarchy-service delivers a list of all archival descriptions one level deeper in the hierarchy of the archival description identified with {id}. A web developer can use this service to create a tree-like presentation of a finding aid, holdings guide or source guide.

Request parameters

Two request parameters can be used to get a list of children of an archival description.

Empty Request example

ID = .....

  "count": "5",
  "startIndex": 0

Basic Request example

ID = C376209320

  "count": "5",
  "startIndex": 0

On [base_url]/search/ead/C376209320/children, it gives all the clevel descriptive units one level deeper in the hierarchy of the descriptive unit identified with "C376209320".

N.B.: you can find the (internal APE) identifier of a descriptive unit (always starting with a "C") which is necessary for using this service via the /search/ead service


The resultlist is delivered in chunks of a certain size. Request parameter "count" describes the number of results that are in one chunk. Optional. Default value is 5.


Request parameter "startIndex" enables you to select the results that you want to have. Counting starts at zero. If "count" = 5, the second chunk starts with startIndex 5, the following at startIndex 10, etc. Optional. Default value is 0.

Response parameters

The response contains a list of the descriptive units where the requested search term(s) was/were found.

Empty Response example

  "totalResults": 0,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "totalPages": 0,
  "results": [
      "id": "string",
      "findingAidTitle": "string",
      "findingAidNo": "string",
      "repository": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "language": "string",
      "langMaterial": "string",
      "unitDate": "string",
      "repositoryCode": "string",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 0,
      "docType": "string",
      "docTypeId": "string",
      "level": "string",
      "indexDate": "string",
      "unitId": "string",
      "unitTitle": "string",
      "scopeContent": "string",
      "siblingPosition": 0,
      "ancestorLevel": 0

Basic Response example

For identifier C376209320:

  "totalResults": 22,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "totalPages": 5,
  "results": [
      "id": "C376209321",
      "findingAidTitle": "Inventaris van de collectie archieven Strijdkrachten in Nederlands-Indië, (1938 - 1939) 1941 - 1957 [1960]",
      "findingAidNo": "2.13.132",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1945 - 1946",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 0,
      "docType": "Descriptive Unit",
      "docTypeId": "du",
      "level": "clevel",
      "indexDate": "",
      "unitId": "2.13.132 - 4700",
      "unitTitle": "Stukken betreffende twee luitenanten-vlieger die ongeoorloofd het 5th Replacement Depot te Manilla en het krijgsgevangenkamp te Pakan Baroe (Sumatra) hebben verlaten en zich hebben gemeld in Australië voor de ML.",
      "scopeContent": "",
      "siblingPosition": 0,
      "ancestorLevel": 3
      "id": "C376209322",
      "findingAidTitle": "Inventaris van de collectie archieven Strijdkrachten in Nederlands-Indië, (1938 - 1939) 1941 - 1957 [1960]",
      "findingAidNo": "2.13.132",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1945 - 1947",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 0,
      "docType": "Descriptive Unit",
      "docTypeId": "du",
      "level": "clevel",
      "indexDate": "",
      "unitId": "2.13.132 - 4701",
      "unitTitle": "Opgave van hoofdofficieren welke in aanmerking komen voor ontslag uit de militaire dienst, een bezettingsopgave van hogere functies bij de ML en een nota inzake het voorleggen van grieven aan officieren van het hoofdkwartier door klagers buiten medeweten van hun onmiddellijke chefs.",
      "scopeContent": "",
      "siblingPosition": 1,
      "ancestorLevel": 3
      "id": "C376209323",
      "findingAidTitle": "Inventaris van de collectie archieven Strijdkrachten in Nederlands-Indië, (1938 - 1939) 1941 - 1957 [1960]",
      "findingAidNo": "2.13.132",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1946",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 0,
      "docType": "Descriptive Unit",
      "docTypeId": "du",
      "level": "clevel",
      "indexDate": "",
      "unitId": "2.13.132 - 4702",
      "unitTitle": "Bezwaarschrift van een kapitein, tewerkgesteld als hoofd Welfare ML, over het functioneren van deze dienst alsmede klachten over de voormalige commandant 6 Vliegbasis rond de caputilatie, maart 1942.",
      "scopeContent": "",
      "siblingPosition": 2,
      "ancestorLevel": 3
      "id": "C376209324",
      "findingAidTitle": "Inventaris van de collectie archieven Strijdkrachten in Nederlands-Indië, (1938 - 1939) 1941 - 1957 [1960]",
      "findingAidNo": "2.13.132",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1946",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 0,
      "docType": "Descriptive Unit",
      "docTypeId": "du",
      "level": "clevel",
      "indexDate": "",
      "unitId": "2.13.132 - 4703",
      "unitTitle": "Opgave van het aantal deelgenomen oorlogsmissies door het marinepersoneel.",
      "scopeContent": "",
      "siblingPosition": 3,
      "ancestorLevel": 3
      "id": "C376209325",
      "findingAidTitle": "Inventaris van de collectie archieven Strijdkrachten in Nederlands-Indië, (1938 - 1939) 1941 - 1957 [1960]",
      "findingAidNo": "2.13.132",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1946",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 0,
      "docType": "Descriptive Unit",
      "docTypeId": "du",
      "level": "clevel",
      "indexDate": "",
      "unitId": "2.13.132 - 4704",
      "unitTitle": "Rapport van een ongeoorloofd bezoek van een inlichtingenofficier van het Detachement ML Kemajoran aan Djokja met een C-47 Dakota transportvliegtuig van de RAF.",
      "scopeContent": "",
      "siblingPosition": 4,
      "ancestorLevel": 3


The response parameter "totalResults" gives the number of results.


The response parameter "startIndex" gives the number of the chunk you requested.


The response parameter "totalPages" gives the number of chunks.


Enumeration of the results. A result could be a holdings guide, a source guide, a finding aid, or a descriptive unit (ie a sublevel component). They are all optional except "id".

id Internal APE identifier of the result
findingAidTitle Title of the finding aid, holdings guide or source guide
findingAidNo Identifier of the fonds provided by the repository
repository Name of the repository holding the fonds
country Name of the country where the repository is, in English
language Language of the description of the result
langMaterial Language in which the result is created
unitDate Date of creation of the result.
repositoryCode Code of the repository holding the fonds; preferably, but not necessarily ISIL
hasDigitalObject TRUE/FALSE
numberOfDigitalObjects Amount of digital objects available for the search result (is always 0 in case 'hasDigitalObject' = FALSE)
numberOfDigitalOjectsInDescendents Amount of digital objects available for descendents of the search result (can be > 0 in case 'hasDigtalObject' = FALSE)
numberOfDescendents Amount of descendents of the search result
docType Type of document in which the result is found: "Finding Aid", "Holdings Guide", "Source Guide" or "Descriptive Unit"
docTypeId Acronym for the type of document: "fa" for "Finding Aid", "hg" for "Holdings Guide", "sg" for "Source Guide" or "du" for "Descriptive unit"
level Type of result: "archdesc" for highest level description or "clevel" for subordinate components
indexDate Date showing when the result was ingested/updated and indexed in the Archives Portal Europe (ie last change date)
unitId Identifier of the result provided by the repository
unitTitle Description of the result
scopeContent More descriptive information about the result
siblingPosition Position of the result in the order of children in the level beneath the descriptive unit of the identifier in the request
ancestorLevel Position of the descriptive unit of the identifier in the request in the higher hierarchy of the document it belongs to