Installing Wamp server v2.2 on Windows 7 32-bits
Downloading Wamp server v2.2
For installing Wamp server v2.2 on a Windows 7 32-bits desktop computer or laptop, download this zip file: and extract it to any directory on your desktop computer or laptop. This will create an executable file named: "wampserver2.2e-php5.4.3-httpd2.2.22-mysql5.5.24-32b.exe".
Note: you can check whether your desktop computer or laptop is running Windows 7 32-bits (or 64-bits) by right clicking on the "computer"-icon on your desktop and choosing "properties"
Installing Wamp server v2.2
Wamp server v2.2 is created in Microsoft's Visual C++ for Visual Studio 2012, so it needs this component to be installed first. It might already be installed on your computer, but just in case, download the zip file named "" over here, extract it to any directory on your harddrive, which will result in an executable named "vcredist_x86.exe". Run this executable by double clicking on it and follow the instructions on your screen (you can read more on this Microsoft component over here:
After you made sure the Visual C++ runtime component is installed on your computer, you can start installing the Wamp server software by double clicking on the executable file "wampserver2.2e-php5.4.3-httpd2.2.22-mysql5.5.24-32b.exe" you have downloaded earlier, after which this screen (figure 1) will be shown:
- Click on "Next" to start the installation en in the next screen (figure 2), select "I accept the agreement" and click on "Next" to continue
- In the next screen (figure 3), accept the default location for installing the software (c:\wamp) and click on "Next" to continue
- In the next screen (figure 4), accept the creation of a Quick Launch icon and a Desktop icon and click on "Next" to continue
- In the next screen (figure 5), click on "Install" to start the actual installation of the software
- The software will now be installed on your harddrive ...
- During the installation you might receive a message like the one of figure 7, answer this question with "Yes"
- During the installation you might also receive a message like the one of figure 8, answer this by clicking on "Allow access"
- At the end of the installation you are asked to provide the name of an SMTP server and an email address (see figure 9), you can accept the default value "localhost" as the name of your SMTP server, but you have to provide a valid email address to go with that, then click on "Next" to continue
- Finally the installation of the software can be concluded by clicking on "Finish" (figure 10)
- If you have left the checkmarking of "Launch WampServer 2 now" on in the previous screen (figure 10), you will now have an extra icon (the "W" of Wamp server) at the right of your taskbar, which will turn from red, via oranje into green, indicating the installation went well and your personal webserver has been activated (figure 11)
- Clicking on this green "W"-icon gives you access to the interface of Wamp server (figure 12)
- You can check whether your personal webserver is really active by clicking on "Localhost" in the Wamp server interface (figure 13)
- If the screen of figure 14 is shown in your webbrowser, the installation of your personal webserver was successfull
Note: there is no website or software tool running within your personal webserver, Wamp server v2.2, yet, because the section "Your Projects" is still empty
Fine-tuning Wamp server v2.2
Before installing ICA-AtoM on Wamp server, we have to fine-tune Wamp server a bit: we have to make some changes in the configuration file (php.ini) of the PHP software that runs inside Wamp server and we have to create a MySQL database to be used by ICA-AtoM later on.
Changing the php.ini file
Changing the php.ini file can be done via the Wamp server interface:
- Click on the green "W"-icon on the right of your taskbar and choose in the main menu: "PHP" and in the submenu that subsequently opens: "php.ini" (figure 15)
- The php.ini file will open as a text document in Windows Notepad (figure 16) and in this text file you have to change the following lines:
- "max_execution_time = 30", the value 30 has to be changed into 180 (to give ICA-AtoM some more time to process large files)
- "upload_max_filesize = 2M", the value 2M has to be changed into 20M (to be able to re-upload large files in ICA-AtoM for making changes)
- "post_max_size = 8M", the value 8M has to be changed into 20M (idem)
- You can use the search functionality of Windows Notepad to look for these lines in the php.ini file (figure 17)
- Once you have found the line, simply change the value as indicated above (figure 18)
- Once you have changed all three lines as indicated above, save the php.ini file (figure 19)
- Once the changed php.ini file is saved, close it and restart your personal webserver by choosing "Restart All Services" in the Wamp server interface (figure 20); you will see the "W"-icon on the right of your taskbar gradually changing from red, via orange into green again and then the changes you have made in the php.ini file are active.
Creating a MySQL database
Creating a MySQL database to be used for ICA-AtoM later on can also be done via the Wamp server interface:
- Click on the green "W"-icon on the right of your taskbar and choose in the main menu: "PHPMyAdmin" (figure 21)
- The PHPMyAdmin main screen (figure 22) will be opened
- In this screen go to the tab "Databases", enter a name for the database you want to create, for instance "icaatom", choose "utf8_unicode_ci" from the dropdownlist next to the database name and click on the "create"-button, after which a new empty database will be created (figure 23)
- Once your new database is successfully created, you can close the PHPMyAdmin part of Wamp server by closing the screen
Your personal webserver is now fully prepared for ICA-AtoM, so proceed with the ICA-AtoM installation manual