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Request url: This service is a POST-request.

This institute service delivers a list of Finding Aids, Holding Guides and Source Guides provided through the API. Remember that this only contains document of institutes that have enabled Open Data in the APE Dashboard.

Request parameters

Four request parameters can be used to get a list of the documents of an archival institution that has enabled the API services for its datasets in the Archives Portal Europe's Dashboard.

Empty Request example:

  "count": "5",
  "startIndex": 0,
  "instituteId": "string",
  "docType": "string"

Basic Request example (for 5 documents, ie finding aids (fa), of the Nationaal Archief, ie with as internal APE identifier 32171):

  "count": "5",
  "startIndex": 0,
  "instituteId": "32171",
  "docType": "fa"


The resultlist is delivered in chunks of a certain size. Request parameter "count" describes the number of results that are in one chunk. Optional. Default value is 5.


Request parameter "startIndex" enables you to select the results that you want to have. Counting starts at zero. If "count" = 5, the second chunk starts with startIndex 5, the following at startIndex 10, etc. Optional. Default value is 0.


Internal APE identifier for the archival institution (repository) from which you want to get the list of documents (required)


Depending on which type of archival description you want, use "fa" for finding aids, "hg" for holdings guides or "sg" for source guides (required)

Response parameters

The response contains basic information on the documents of the archival institution for which the list of documents was requested.

Empty Response example:

  "totalResults": 0,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "totalPages": 0,
  "eadResults": [
      "id": "string",
      "fondsUnitTitle": "string",
      "fondsUnitId": "string",
      "repository": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "language": "string",
      "langMaterial": "string",
      "unitDate": "string",
      "repositoryCode": "string",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 0,
      "docType": "string",
      "docTypeId": "string",
      "level": "string",
      "indexDate": "string"

Basic Response example (for 5 documents, ie finding aids (fa), of the Nationaal Archief, ie with as internal APE identifier 32171):

  "totalResults": 6754,
  "startIndex": 0,
  "totalPages": 3,
  "eadResults": [
      "id": "F379214",
      "fondsUnitTitle": "Inventaris van het archief van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC), 1602-1795 (1811)",
      "fondsUnitId": "1.04.02",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1602-1811",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 4349944,
      "numberOfDescendents": 17243,
      "docType": "Finding Aid",
      "docTypeId": "fa",
      "level": "archdesc",
      "indexDate": ""
      "id": "F379212",
      "fondsUnitTitle": "Inventaris van het archief van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbalbond (KNVB), 1889-1996 (1997)",
      "fondsUnitId": "2.19.123",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1889-1997",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 21215,
      "numberOfDescendents": 5662,
      "docType": "Finding Aid",
      "docTypeId": "fa",
      "level": "archdesc",
      "indexDate": ""
      "id": "F379209",
      "fondsUnitTitle": "Inventaris van de collectie Aanwinsten Kaarten en Tekeningen sinds 1888",
      "fondsUnitId": "4.AANW",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1888-1990",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 72,
      "numberOfDescendents": 3796,
      "docType": "Finding Aid",
      "docTypeId": "fa",
      "level": "archdesc",
      "indexDate": ""
      "id": "F379208",
      "fondsUnitTitle": "Inventaris van de archieven van de Nederlandse Factorij in Japan te Hirado [1609-1641] en te Deshima, [1641-1860], 1609-1860",
      "fondsUnitId": "1.04.21",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1609-1860",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 1323,
      "numberOfDescendents": 2369,
      "docType": "Finding Aid",
      "docTypeId": "fa",
      "level": "archdesc",
      "indexDate": ""
      "id": "F379215",
      "fondsUnitTitle": "Inventaris van de archieven van de Stichting Aids Fonds - Soa Aids Nederland, de Stichting STOP AIDS NOW! en de Stichting Werkmaatschappij Soa Aids en hun taakvoorgangers, 1914- 2008 (2011)",
      "fondsUnitId": "2.19.225",
      "repository": "Nationaal Archief",
      "country": "NETHERLANDS",
      "language": "",
      "langMaterial": "",
      "unitDate": "1914-2011",
      "repositoryCode": "NL-HaNA",
      "hasDigitalObject": false,
      "numberOfDigitalObjects": 0,
      "numberOfDigitalObjectsInDescendents": 0,
      "numberOfDescendents": 6063,
      "docType": "Finding Aid",
      "docTypeId": "fa",
      "level": "archdesc",
      "indexDate": ""


The response parameter "totalResults" gives the number of results.


The response parameter "startIndex" gives the number of the chunk you requested.


The response parameter "totalPages" gives the number of chunks.


Enumeration of the results. Depending on the value of Request parameter 'docType', result could be a holdings guide, a source guide or a finding aid.

id Internal APE identifier of the result
fondsUnitTitle Title of the document (finding aid, holdings guide or source guide)
fondsUnitId Identifier of the finding aid, holdings guide or source guide provided by the archival institution (repository)
repository Name of the repository (archival institution) holding the material that is described in the document (finding aid, holdings guide or source guide)
country Name of the country where the repository is. In English
language Language of the description of the document (finding aid, holdings guide or source guide)
langMaterial Language in which the archival material described in the document (finding aid, holdings guide or source guide) is created
unitDate Date of creation of the archival material described in the document (finding aid, holdings guide or source guide)
repositoryCode Code of the repository holding the fonds. Preferably, but not necessarily ISIL
hasDigitalObject TRUE/FALSE (only for the search result)
numberOfDigitalObjects Amount of digital objects available for the search result (is always 0 in case 'hasDigitalObject' = FALSE)
numberOfDigitalOjectsInDescendents Amount of digital objects available for descendents of the search result (can be > 0 in case 'hasDigtalObject' = FALSE)
numberOfDescendents Amount of descendents of the search result, ie amount of descriptive units in the document (finding aid, holdings guide or source guide)
docType Type of document: "Finding Aid", "Holdings Guide", "Source Guide"
docTypeId Acronym for the type of document ("fa" for "Finding Aid", "hg" for "Holdings Guide" or "sg" for "Source Guide")
level Type of result: "archdesc" for highest level description or "clevel" for subordinate components (in this service it will always be: "archdesc")
indexDate Date showing when the result was ingested/updated and indexed in the Archives Portal Europe (ie last change date)