DPT manual Additional functionalities
The tool contains - just like the Archives Portal Europe's Dashboard - functionality which is not really necessary for the basic workflow of uploading, processing and publishing finding aids, but which offers additional value, for individual institutions as well as for the portal.
Holdings guide creation form
The button Create holdings guide in the Summary tab becomes available once at least one valid apeEAD file has been selected. Clicking on the button opens a new window containing the file(s) selected to be integrated in the Holdings guide (it’s preferable to save your finding aids before beginning).
The holdings guide creation screen is divided in three parts:
- on the right you see the list of the finding aids you have selected to be connected to the holdings guide,
- in the middle you will see the tree structure of the holdings guide appear once you start building it
- on the left you have access to ordering buttons (up/down).
An extra dialogue screen (Edit) with some input boxes via which you can start building the structure of the holdings guide is shown on top of this screen.