How to create topics

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Revision as of 17:15, 24 April 2018 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (The basic workflow)

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The Archives Portal Europe has a 'tag cloud' with themes or topics on its homepage to enable end-users to access specific content on these topics very quickly. It is possible to connect finding aids to these topics.

How to make use of topics, figure 1

The basic workflow

For connecting finding aids to topics you need to have a Source Guide which already links to finding aids on that specific topic. You can create a Source Guide in the Archives Portal Europe's Dashboard and it is the same functionality which also enables you to create a Holdings Guide.

How to make use of topics, figure 2

How to make use of topics, figure 3

How to make use of topics, figure 4

How to make use of topics, figure 5

How to make use of topics, figure 6

How to make use of topics, figure 7

How to make use of topics, figure 8

How to make use of topics, figure 9

How to make use of topics, figure 10

How to make use of topics, figure 11

How to make use of topics, figure 12

How to make use of topics, figure 13

How to make use of topics, figure 14