NAH Scope2apeEAD export

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This page contains a description of the ScopeArchiv apeEAD export the National Archives of Hungary has developed for its own purpose. For more information please contact the National Archives of Hungary:

Basic requirements/features

  • In ScopArchive user fields can be defined on user interface without developer assistance, the same should be done with the EAD export elements.
  • The export function uses the already existing data structures (tables, fields). Further elements cannot be exported automatically
  • Export can be launched from different part of the hierarchy, allowing partial export.
  • Export can set the vertical deepness by defining the ID of the lowest level. (e.g. fond, subseries, item etc.)

Matching Scope fields and EAD elements in the Scope Admin module

The procedure contains the structure of the EAD export, the user fields are inserted into this. You can insert elements by specific characters under the following xml tags:

  • <did> (character: *)
  • <physdesc> (character: P)
  • <odd> (character: +)
  • <c> (character: !)

You have to set this information field by field in the Data elements menu item within the Adminsitration module of the Scope Archiv. We aplied a separete excel for easier use, in which fields ’B’ is the name of the Scope field, ’K’ and ’L’ are the code fields to be typed to ScopeArchive.