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Request url:{id} This service is a GET-request.

This content-service delivers all information available of the description of an archive as a whole identified with {id}. A web-developer can use this service to create a detailed presentation of a search result.

Request parameters


Internal APE identifier of a Finding Aid (id is starting with "F"), a Holdings Guide (id is starting with "H"), a Source Guide (id is starting with "S"). Descriptive Units result in other information, so a separate request is developed, called /content/ead/clevel/{id}. In this service, if the identifier does not start with a "F", "H" or "S" you will get an error message. This parameter is required.

Response parameters

  "id": "F883",
  "unitId": "3066",
  "unitTitle": "Partij van de Arbeid (P.v.d.A.), Statenfractie PvdA Gelderland",
  "repositoryId": 363,
  "repository": "Gelders Archief",
  "content": {
   --- skip ---


Internal APE identifier of the Finding Aid, Holdings Guide or Source Guide. The same as your request parameter "id".


Original identifier of the information provided by the repository.


Title of the information provided by the repository.


Internal APE identifier of the repository.


Name of the repository.


Information in EAD-format, serialized as JSON. This part could potentially contain all the elements that can be part of an EAD/XML-document.