Institution Manager manual - Optional actions

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Revision as of 19:31, 21 July 2018 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Map files to topics)

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The Archives Portal Europe's Dashboard offers some extra - optional - functionalities next to the ones that are necessary for the common workflow, these are:

  • Create EAC-CPF files
  • Map files to topics
  • Partially edit finding aids
  • Create holding guides and source guides
  • Convert data to EDM records and deliver those to Europeana

Create EAC-CPF files

An introduction to Encoded Archival Context - Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families (EAC-CPF) and the use of it in the Archives Portal Europe can be found in the apeEAC-CPF section of this Wiki and the schema for the apeEAC-CPF subset is available over here:

Content providers, who don't have EAC-CPF files or can't export these kind of files from their own systems, can create EAC-CPF files in the Dashboard using a form. The form does not however cover all possible elements of apeEAC-CPF, but allows entering the key information about an entity. The created files are then available in the content manager, like the other files, in the EAC-CPF view of the Content manager screen.

The apeEAC-CPF form is available via de link in the Dashboard:

link to the EAC-CPF creation form in the Dashboard

The form is then displayed using the full width of your screen, first you have to select the type of entity that you want to describe:

create an EAC-CPF record step 1: choose the type of entity (person, corporate body or family

Next you can fill in the different tabs adapted to each entity type:

create an EAC-CPF record step2: fill in the form with all available information for describing the entity

The quality of the search in the portal and the facets to refine the search depend on the quality of the data available in the EAC-CPF file:

search results from EAC-CPF files with search term "Charles"

The display of EAC-CPF files in the Archives Portal Europe facilitates links to original websites and authority files systems, but also to related archival material and related entities as available in the portal:

full display of an EAC-CPF file in the Archives Portal Europe

Mabage topics

The topics populate the tag-cloud displayed on the homepage or the portal, and are also available in a list via the menu "topics" in the footer. They are used as facets in the search results.

Partially edit finding aids

Create holding guides and source guides

== Convert data to EDM records and deliver those to Europeana